Friday 7 June 2019

Glorious A's and H's

I love the massive A's and H's here, but there are several confusing things happening. Straightaway I was perplexed by the odd spelling of McCain's,  a brand that's been around for decades, and then by the reference to their "glorious chips" which isn't a brand, but a reference to a 2016 tv ad for them.

Clearly whoever wrote this list is having a little in-joke with whoever's doing the shopping. What I can't fathom is the existence of people who so adore this short-lived 2016 advert that it's still a family catchphrase three years later, so much so that they feel the need to write it in their shopping list.

The next thing is the WROSE SWEET POTS, fairly straightforward I guess - Waitrose Sweet Potatoes - but what follows is very strange. OVEN  PAPRIKA.  Are we shopping for an oven and some paprika, or is oven paprika a specific type of paprika? If it is, I think we should be told.

Then, as if to highlight the posh cred of this list (it's from Waitrose, after all), we refer to rocket, which is what posh folk chuck on everything from salads to pizza to burgers (it's known as arugula in the USA, by the way).

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