Friday 13 January 2017


Now, here's a list with a delicious sounding smattering of ingredients - celery, red peppers, chillies, dill, leeks, onions, and chicken thighs and drumsticks. I don't know about you, but I think almost anyone could make a yummy dinner out of that little lot.

However, if you notice in the picture the list is written on a folded piece of paper. So, naturally, I unfolded it.

The way I see it, there are two possible scenarios here:

1) The person that wrote the list only had a few ingredients in mind but all they could find was a sheet of A4 copier paper; or

2) The person had a rather more ambitious and elaborate meal in mind, possibly one involving roast partridge and Duchesse  potatoes, confit of pheasant and a reduction of stilton with an asparagus foam or some such nonsense, grabbed the largest piece of paper they could find and, perhaps fuelled by frustration from having two pens dry up on them immediately, promptly changed their mind dramatically. They then folded the piece of paper to appear smaller so that they wouldn't look like such an upper-class twit in public.

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